We at Hay Hampers we are constantly sourcing quality foods and wines, as well as new ideas from around the world. To add a touch of uniqueness to your gift, we are currently looking for new, more elegant wooden boxes for your wine cases.

As we are never content with an everyday packaging but we always want something unique for our customers, we have gone to the Italian Chair District, where not only are the most fashionable chairs in the world produced but also stylish pieces of furniture and wooden accessories.



Located in the heart of Friuli Venezia Giulia, an Adriatic region on the border with Slovenia and Austria, the Italian Chair District has over 100-year history in the wood and furniture industry.

The range of products manufactured in the Italian Chair District is huge: from sought-after design to modern chairs, from bespoke accessories to elegant furniture. Wood, which is sourced from forests with strict environmental control standards, is just the starting point here. Natural, alive and loved, it is worked with highly skilled techniques to get quality finishes.

The Italian Chair District is a collective, flexible and efficient network that mixes contemporary influences and international trends without betraying its origins, reworks cultural contributions from designers of diverse origins and education, and combines them with solid experience and knowledge.